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#2. Building bridges for a sustainable and inclusive Brussels:

navigating urban transitions and transformations

Gear up for an inspiring discussion about building bridges and embracing urban transitions and transformations in Brussels. We’ll be exploring how we can work together to address the social, cultural, and urban challenges that are currently facing our city.

Our goal is to create a more sustainable, democratic, equal, and decolonized city. Luckily, Brussels is already a lab of innovative strategies, tools, and projects that promote inclusion, equality, and urban development. The question is, how can we share this knowledge with the rest of Europe?
To do this, we need to foster connections and platforms that allow for cross-sectoral collaborations and strategies. We need to find ways to bring together diverse communities and stakeholders, and build bridges across different sectors and disciplines.

And let’s not forget about Brussels’ superdiversity – this is a city with so many different cultures, languages, and backgrounds. How can we make sure that everyone is included in this process of urban transition and transformation?

Join us for this exciting discussion and help us shape the future of Brussels! Your voice matters, take this opportunity to connect with others and make a difference.


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10:00 > 13:00


les Halles de Schaerbeek



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