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THE urban citizens university: making city together



A platform to share knowledge about Brussels, in the city, for the city and for its actors.

Researchers and urban experts share their knowledge of Brussels with civil society. We mobilize knowledge used by universities  give the civil society the necessary tools and urban knowledge to strengthen their actions and projects. 

In practice, Brussels Academy organises co-productive workshops, seminars, conferences, workshops, walks, debates, co-creation workshops, master classes, ... which always start from urban challenges.

Reconsidering and repositioning of the relationship between research, civil society and urban policy. We wish to offer stakeholders (citizens, education and civil society organisations, urban policy and the private sector) and experts and intellectuals a platform for exchanging knowledge adapted to the Brussels context. We want to ensure that knowledge is accessible to all. In short, shared intelligence and knowledge for a better society.





Brussels Academy starts in 2013.

The Brussels Academy project was launched in April 2013 at the initiative of a number of leading Brussels university professors - including Eric Corijn (VUB), Claire Billen (ULB), Christian Vandermotten (ULB) and Felice Dassetto (UCL) and the Brussels Studies Institute.

Building on this first success, Brussels Academy has strengthened its activities and consolidated its project. Ten leading professors are now involved in the development of Brussels Academy, more than 100 active academics and more than 30 foreign researchers have come to present their research and ideas. We were also able to rely on more than 150 other specialists (mainly from civil society). 


disseminate and share knowledge


Our main goal is to disseminate and promote knowledge, research carried out by academics, a group of actors from the civil society and the associative world. The implementation of this goal is based on the debate, exchange and co-construction of knowledge between universities, the civil society, the professional world and the general public. We approach the knowledge society and the relationship to the city through horizontal exchanges, thus leaving room for debate, exchange and learning.


Plateform of exchanging knowledge

Brussels Academy intends to develop a platform for knowledge transfer, training and discussion on issues related to Brussels and urban issues (urban policy, urban planning, diversity, etc.). A platform between the academic world and scientific research on the one hand and civil society, governments, politicians and citizens on the other.


Knowledge as common good

Brussels Academy sees knowledge as a common good that must be freely accessible, not as a commodity. That is why our basic philosophy is to provide an offer that is accessible to different target groups without any budgetary constraint. The researchers and other experts usually share their knowledge voluntarily.



In order to develop a method of knowledge transfer that combines complex knowledge with a diverse audience, we offer a range of multilingual activities. Multilingualism reflects the image of Brussels.



Brussels Academy wants to be a centre where established knowledge is generated in a co-productive way. By bringing together knowledge that was previously fragmented, we can produce new knowledge together.


Applied knowledge

Our programme is determined by the needs of the city. We try to understand the complex reality of Brussels in order to find committed solutions.


multiplier effect

We emphasize the need to share knowledge that can later be used by the participants at their workplace, for example. The idea is that the people who follow the activities can then commit themselves to the city (through their work, their associations, their neighbourhood...) and this with (better) knowledge of the reality.




It is mainly a question of creating a common point, a centre, an intersection, a "node" for the exchange of knowledge about the city. In this respect, it is a network project, aimed at bringing together the different sectors, disciplines, communities of the city, different languages, styles and cultures, as well as different opinions and experiences.

Brussels Academy

collaborates with


The Brussels Studies Institute (BSI) is our sister organisation. It was created within the framework of a cooperation agreement between the three Brussels universities: the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles (USL-B),  Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven) and Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain). The aim of the institute is to produce, disseminate and promote knowledge about Brussels, as well as to involve the actors of Brussels society in the dialogue.


Brussels Studies is the free electronic scientific journal for research on Brussels. Brussels Studies offers researchers a specific dissemination channel for presenting the results and offers its readers articles that are accessible to a non-specialist audience on important topics that are studied and discussed in the research world.

Brussels Studies


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