Professor of Architecture
Howard Davis is Professor of Architecture at the University of Oregon, where he teaches design studios and courses in the social and geographic contexts of architecture. He is co-author of The Production of Houses (Oxford, 1985, written with Christopher Alexander and others) and sole author of three books: The Culture of Building (Oxford, 1999), Living Over the Store: Architecture and Local Urban Life (Routledge, 2012) and Working Cities: Architecture, Place and Production (Routledge, 2020). He is editor of the compendium Early and Unpublished Work of Christopher Alexander (Routledge, 2022) and of the four-volume reference work Vernacular Architecture: Critical and Primary Sources (Bloomsbury, 2023). Davis was on the editorial boards of the Journal of Architectural Education and Urban Morphology, and was founding co-editor of Buildings & Landscapes: Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum. He was named Distinguished Professor of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture and was awarded the Thomas F. Herman Award for Distinguished Teaching at the University of Oregon.
University of Oregon

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