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Is Brussels a complex city? Definitely. Diversity in all its dimensions is a key feature of the city. However, this complexity and this diversity should not prevent us from having an adequate understanding of Brussels. This year, the fifth Night of Knowledge on Brussels, organised by the Brussels Studies Institute, the Brussels Studies journal and the Brussels Academy, addresses the theme of « Mix(c)ity » in order to understand the city region in its many aspects. About 20 researchers and actors of the Brussels society (mobilized with the help of the centre of expertise on gender and diversity RHEA) will share their knowledge, by offering incisive presentations of 14 minutes each. This accessible and relevant knowledge on Brussels and its diversity will be punctuated by a documentary, two debates and some great music. Intended for a very mixed Brussels audience.

19:00 – DOCU: 31 Haltes – Dorothee Van den Berghe & Griet Van Reeth
19:20 – Mot de bienvenue/ Welkomstwoord – Eric Corijn (Brussels Academy / Brussels Studies Institute), Friedl’ Lesage (VRT) & Hadja Lahbib (RTBF)
19:30 – Don’t Call Me Resilient Again! – Maria Kaika (Manchester University & Amsterdam University)
19:45 – Tous égaux face à la santé ? / Gezondheid: voor iedereen gelijk?– Myriam De Spiegelaere (ULB) & Marion Englert (Observatoire de la Santé et du Social – COCOM)
20:00 – Débat / Debat : Les femmes dans la ville – Eva Maria Jiménez Lamas (CSC-Bruxelles), Claudine Lienard (Université des femmes), Hajar Oulad Ben Taib (USL-B)
20:30 – Brusselse stadsbouwers 1794-2016 – Inge Bertels (VUB)
20:45 – Où sont les hommes ? – Carole Thays (IBSA)
21:00 – Cultiver la terre en ville – Chloé Deligne (ULB)
21:15 – BSI Thesis Award
21:30 – Zichbaarheid geven aan de leefsituaties van dak- en thuislozen / Rendre visible le sans-abrisme – Nicole Mondelaers (La Strada)
21:45 – Concert: Recital Boxon
22:00 – Le “vivre ensemble” ne se décrète pas – Emmanuelle Lenel (USL-B)
22:15 – Discussion / Discussie : Cinq questions qui fâchent sur le piétonnier / Vijf controversiele vragen over de voetgangerszone – Sofie Vermeulen (BSI-BCO), Margaux Hardy (BSI-BCO), Julie Neuwels (BSI-BCO), Cathy Macharis (VUB), Livia de Bethune (KUL)
22:45 –Islam : tordons le cou à quelques canards – Corinne Torrekens (ULB)
23:00 – Slimme Stad – Caroline Pauwels (VUB)
23:15 – La vie d’un arbre en ville – Murielle Eyletters (T&MC partners/ Aliwen & ULB)
23:30 – Concert: Pas ce soir chéri


Maria Kaika University of Manchester
Chloé Deligne Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Sofie Vermeulen Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Cathy Macharis Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Julie Neuwels ULB
Livia De Bethune Sum Project
Corinne Torrekens Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Marion Englert Observatoire de la Santé et du Social - COCOM
Eva Maria Jimenez Lamas CSC-Bruxelles
Claudine Liénard Université des femmes


19:00 > 23:30




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