Drugsproblematiek in Brussel met Charlotte Colman (NL)
Charlotte Colman on the drug problem in Brussels (and Antwerp)
Brussels and Antwerp are facing an alarming rise in drug-related incidents. This raises questions about public safety and the capabilities of our law enforcement agencies. Sophisticated drug networks have been discovered in both cities, threatening public health and creating more crime. Criminal organisations are taking advantage of the lucrative trade to increase their influence and control. The authorities are reviewing and improving their strategies to deal with the problem. Brussels and Antwerp police forces are working together to dismantle the complex networks of illicit drug trafficking. But the challenge is great, and the criminals operate not only within but also outside Belgium.
Charlotte Colman discusses the building blocks of Belgian drug policy and its results. She then zooms in on drug trafficking itself: which illegal drugs are distributed and smuggled through Belgium and why our country is so attractive in this field.
Everyone is welcome from 12:00 for a bowl of vegetarian soup in cooperation with Atelier Groot Eiland
The speaker will start at 12:30
Afterwards, there will be time for questions from the audience
Registration is recommended but not compulsory
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