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Commons: Research in progress

After the Self-City Ateliers of last year, showing a panorama of citizen’s initiatives in and around Brussels (community land trusts, repair cafés, potagers urbains, etc.), this spring, the Brussels Academy gives the floor to researchers dealing with the concept of the commons.
Weekly “research labs” are organized to open up a dialogue among researchers and with a wider audience. This allows researchers and scholars addressing commons from different thematic fields to learn from each other, to interact with a wider public, building and advancing a better understanding on the commons.
What are the commons? What is their role and position in urban research? Which shared guidelines, or strong differences exist among diverse fields of research on the commons?
Organized together with Nele Aernouts and Alessandra Magnanelli from Cosmopolis, VUB.


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14:30 > 17:00


Maison des Cultures et de la Cohésion Sociale de Molenbeek


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