#3. Homelessness in Brussels
Lunchtalk + City Walk
A significant portion of the Brussels population lives in poverty, posing a tremendous challenge for the city. In recent years, there has been a notable increase in the number of people experiencing homelessness. What can we, as a society, do? How do other cities address these issues?
This series of lunch lectures and city walks offers new perspectives on poverty and homelessness in Brussels. We’ll deconstruct existing ideas and look at the mechanisms that lead to poverty and homelessness.
In each gathering, together with persons in poverty or the so-called « giants » (Gifted Individuals, Although Needy and Troubled), field organizations and researchers, we explore paths that lead to a society where homelessness is not considered inevitable but rather as a challenge we can collectively overcome. “Is there a way out?”
A collaboration between Brussels Academy, Brussels Platform Armoede and Muntpunt. In the framework of the Immense Festival.
PROGRAMME #3. Homelessness in Brussels (21/3)
11:45 Free Soup
12:00 Lunch talk
With Filip Keymeulen (Diogènes) & Mieke Schrooten (Odisee)
13:30 City Walk: Saint Catherine – How a Homeless Person Found His Way Back
Freddy lived on the streets for 8 years, barely surviving. Now, he is a gifted storyteller who, with keen insight into his own development and in vibrant, authentic Brussels language, shares his story. With great dedication, he also answers sensitive questions about his journey. The walk concludes with a coffee at the housing support service, PUERTO, which is part of the CAW (Centrum Algemeen Welzijnswerk), where Freddy found his support and a new home.
During this journey, we not only highlight the long and challenging path out of homelessness but also delve into the question of how the current Brussels housing policy addresses or can address the needs of the homeless and those in precarious housing situations.
By ARA vzw
15:00 End
Language: NL/FR (everyone in their own language + whispered translations).
Dates: Thursdays 7, 14, 21 and 28 in March 2024, during the Immense Festival.
Time: 11:45-13:30 (+ optional city walk 13:30-15:00)
Location: Muntpunt Agora
Access: Free, open to anyone
Soup: Free
> Only for the lunch talk: (11:45-13:30): Preferable, but not mandatory.
> Lunch talk and city walk: If you wish to participate in the walk after the lunch talk, please register, as the number of spots is limited!
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