#2. Waiting for help (NL)
Psychological vulnerability in young people and waiting lists
Word artist and writer Hind Eljadid was commissioned by CM Health Fund to write ‘Not-so-secret diary‘: a short story about Amal, a 16-year-old girl struggling with the obstacles and difficulties of being a teenager, overshadowed by dark clouds. She wrote the story in collaboration with Flemish youth, outlining the story of so many young individuals who sometimes seem to wait endlessly for a listening ear or much-needed professional help. She makes mental health care among young people discussable and brings attention to the problem of the (too) long waiting lists.
Jef De Block of TEJO (Therapists for Young People) outlines the real situation in Brussels and explains how the organization provides accessible and therapeutic help to young people in Brussels. Els Rossignol (Director Networks CM) will provide the introduction.
- Everyone is welcome from 12:15 for a bowl of vegetarian soup in collaboration with Atelier Groot Eiland.
- The speaker starts at 12:30
- Afterwards there will be time for questions from the audience
- Registration is recommended but not required
Tussen de soep en de feiten‘ is a collaboration between Brussels Academy, CCV, Citizenne, CM, Davidsfonds, huisvandeMens, Humanistisch Verbond, Internationaal Comité, Louis Paul Boonkring, Masereelfonds, Mensen & Wetenschap, Muntpunt, Odisee, OKRA, Vermeylenfonds, VUB and Willemsfonds.
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