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Anoop Nayak is professor in Social and Cultural Geography at Newcastle University (UK). His research interests are in the fields of racism, ethnicity, migration and asylum; youth and cultural studies; masculinities, education and labour; whiteness, nationalism and new theories of social class. As a former postgraduate in Cultural Studies (University of Birmingham) he is a trained ethnographer with an interest in life-history, biography and visual methods. His current research focuses on education, aspirations and employment amongst Bangladeshi youth and everyday encounters amongst Bangladeshi youth exploring issues of racism, resistance and mobility.

Professor Nayak thus has extensive experience in researching intersections of gender, race, ethnicity and migration amongst youth in urban settings, using innovative ethnographic methods. In this masterclass, he will share his experience and provide feedback for PhD-researchers in different stages of their research. The masterclass will be particularly useful for researchers studying youth and dynamics of race in disciplines like urban studies, gender studies, sociology, anthropology or psychology.

Newcastle University (UK)

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