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Dr Sigrid Merx is an Assistant Professor Theatre Studies at Utrecht University. Her research focuses on performative interventions in public space and on the concept of public space ‘as’ performance. Interested in the question how we are and can be a society nowadays, she seeks to explore theatricality and performativity in the urban public sphere in order to outline “a dramaturgy of engagement”. She is member of the research group [Urban Interfaces] and one of the artistic directors of Platform-Scenography. Occasionally she is active as a dramaturg in theatre and performance. March 2009 Sigrid won the Prijs Jong Docenttalent for being the most inspiring and innovative young Utrecht University teacher of the year. In 2013-2014 she was accepted in a one-year program of the Centre of Excellence in University Teaching to develop leadership skills in initiating and managing innovation in teaching and education. Within Urban Heat project Sigrid takes care of the project’s evaluation and helps to design the Closing Academy in Utrecht.

Utrecht University

Sigried Merx

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