Dr. Margarita Triguero-Mas (PhD in biomedicine, 2017) is an environmental scientist working at the intersection of public health, urban planning and environmental justice and a world expert on the health impacts of urban nature, with a particular focus on health equity. Currently she is a research fellow at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) and an associated researcher at ISGlobal (Barcelona Institute for Global Health) and the Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental justice and Sustainability (BCNUEJ, a research group that is part of ICTA-UAB). Her work has informed the US and the European Environmental Protection Agencies and the World Health Organization. In the last years, she has been consistently among the most cited and influential scientists in the world. She has been recently awarded the coordination of a four-year Horizon Europe project (GreenME) that focuses on nature-based therapies and adult mental health equity.
Open University of Catalonia

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