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SSU #5. Urban Potentialities and Emancipatory futures (EN)

Emergent urban communities may reinvent commoning as a practice of sharing based on relations of equality and mutual support. This is a multileveled and often contradictory process through which new forms of social organization emerge. Urban commoning acquires an emancipatory potentiality when it challenges the everyday routines of social reproduction. Either by permeating everyday life or by creatively interrupting it during urban struggles, urban commoning practices activate urban potentialities. Common spaces produced by the development of new urban habits and deviant urban rituals are to be understood not as temporary enclaves of otherness but as thresholds which communicate and multiply. By using concrete examples from Europe and Latin America this presentation will try to show that explicit and implicit efforts for collective self-management may construct emancipatory futures through commoning.


Monthly lectures on Friday evenings 17.30 – 19.30 at USquare. A meeting point for urbanites, just before the weekend starts. 

In collaboration with the Brussels Centre for Urban Studies.

Free entry / EN


Stravos STRAVIDES School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens


17:30 > 19:30


USquare (Entrée AC)


07 03
  • StadsSalonsUrbains 25 (EN)

SSU#1. New Municipalism and Infrastructures of Urban Welfare

17:30 > 19:30
USquare (Entrée AC)
13 03
  • StadsSalonsUrbains 25 (EN)

SSU#2. Are Urban Greening and Climate Justice Compatible (EN)

17:30 > 19:30
USquare (Entrée AC)
21 03
  • StadsSalonsUrbains 25 (EN)

SSU #3. Julie FROUD

17:30 > 19:30
USquare (Entrée AC)
28 03
  • StadsSalonsUrbains 25 (EN)

SSU #4. Cities through the eyes of children and young families: a journey through history (1950-2020) (EN)

17:30 > 19:30
USquare (Entrée AC)
04 04
  • StadsSalonsUrbains 25 (EN)

SSU #5. Urban Potentialities and Emancipatory futures (EN)

17:30 > 19:30
USquare (Entrée AC)