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#3. Werner Van Mieghem over het recht op wonen in Brussel NL

The initial guest speaker was Céline Drieskens (KU Leuven, VUB), who was going to talk about homelessness and the housing crisis in Brussels. Céline was unable to attend the lecture and was given a strong replacement:

Werner Van Mieghem (RBDH/BBRow) speaking on the right to housing in Brussels. Excessive rent and purchase prices, unhealthy housing, years of waiting times for social housing and discrimination on the housing market are in the news almost daily. The housing crisis is back from never before. Evictions and homelessness in Brussels are its most visible consequences and the statistics do not lie. Werner Van Mieghem outlines a state of play on housing issues in our capital city. He discusses the housing crisis, looks at what steps our government is taking and its impact on Brussels residents.

Practical Info :

  •  All welcome from 12:00 onwards for delicious soup from Atelier Groot Eiland.
  • the talk starts at 12:30
  • Q&A after the presentation
  • NL

Tussen de Soep en de Feiten’ is a collaboration between Muntpunt, CCV, Citizenne, Davidsfonds, huisvandeMens, Humanistisch Verbond, Internationaal Comité, Masereelfonds, Mensen & Wetenschap, Muntpunt, Odisee, Vermeylenfonds, VUB en Willemsfonds.



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12:00 > 13:30





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