Karel Vanhaesebrouck is a professor and chair of theatre studies at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, where he teaches courses in the MA program “Arts du spectacle vivant” and acts as a director of CiASp, centre de recherche en cinéma et arts du spectacle. Prior to coming to Brussels, Vanhaesebrouck was an assistant professor at Maastricht University and worked as postdoctoral researcher at the VUB. Karel Vanhaesebrouck is a member of the “Jonge Academie” (2015-2020). He acts as a co-director of the THEA Research Group, a cross-institutional (VUB, ULB, RITS) research group facilitating artistic and scientific research within the broad fields of theatre and performance. In 2013 Vanhaesebrouck’s research was awarded the Prize “Laureaat van de Koninklijke Vlaamse academie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten in de Klasse van de kunsten” by the Royal Flemish Academy of Sciences and Arts in Belgium). Karel Vanhaesebrouck also works as a theory lecturer at the Brussel-based film and theatre school RITCS (, the Royal Institute of Theatre, Cinema and Sound of the Erasmus University College, where he coordinated the theatre department from 2010 up to 2017. In 2015 the Flemish Minister of Culture, Sven Gatz, discerned the Flemish Cultural Award for Performing Arts 2014 to the theatre department of RITCS. He is also a guest professor of theatre history at ESACT Liège.

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